Welcome to the
U.S. 50 East Shore Corridor Management Plan
Virtual Public Meeting
February 12 - March 14


A graphical representation of the schedule timeline

Winter 2021: CMP Kick off

Summer 2021: Public Canvassing

Spring 2022: Draft Strategies & Solutions and Public Outreach

Fall 2022: Draft Preferred Solutions and Public Outreach

Winter-Fall 2023: Input Synthesis and Potential Demonstration Project Public Feedback

Winter 2024: Final Document Public Review and Study Completion

The U.S. 50 CMP identified needs and opportunities and establishes a starting point for implementing solutions over time

Final Steps for CMP implementation includes step one, to finalize the CMP, step two, to implement early action opportunities where possible, and step three, ongoing multiagency collaboration to monitor conditions and implement solutions.

Study recommendations will be implemented over time with early-action improvements implemented over the next few years. Mid and long-term improvements will take more time to be constructed with possible implementation over the next five, ten or twenty years depending on funding availability and other state and agency priorities through the One Nevada Transportation Plan.

What is the Process and Timeline?

Step 1

Summarize Baseline Conditions, Existing Plans and Relevant Studies

Step 2

Determine Backbone Corridor Opportunities to Further Analyze

Step 3

Advance Analysis, Including Supporting Strategies and Prospects

Step 4 (We are here)

Develop CMP and Ongoing Implementation Framework