Welcome to the
U.S. 50 East Shore Corridor Management Plan
Virtual Public Meeting
February 12 - March 14

Key Recommendations

Recommendations do not include lane reductions

Key map showing the locations of the items in the phase tables

Key map showing the locations from the table "map marker" column

Phase 0 (1-2 years)
Map Marker Alt. Description Ballpark Cost Estimate
1 Early-action pavement striping and markings (e.g. narrow lanes) N/A
2 Conduct S.R. 28/U.S. 50 ICE Analysis $50,000
3 Develop and deploy additional signal timing plans $250,000
4 Improve Signing to Cave Rock State Park $5,000
5 Add turn lanes where feasible N/A
6 Evaluate gateway opportunities $15,000
Phase 1 (2-5 years)
Map Marker Alt. Description Ballpark Cost Estimate
7 Tahoe East Shore Trail Alignment Study: Round Hill Pines to Zephyr Cove Resort $100,000
8 Tahoe East Shore Trail: 4-H Camp Road to Lake Parkway $1,400,000
9 Multimodal facilities and turn lanes: Elks Pt. Rd. to Kingsbury Grade $3,500,000
10 Install bike detection at signals $150,000
11 RRFB at Lyons Ave. $50,000
12 RRFB at Tamarack Dr/Cedar Ridge Dr. $50,000
13 Improve RRFB at Lakeview Dr. $50,000
14 Close sidewalk gap at Kahle Dr. $15,000
15 Right turn only at 4H Camp Rd. $50,000
16 Improve existing chain up area $60,000
17 Install edge lit speed limit signs, markings, and speed feedback signs $85,000
Phase 2 (5-10 years)
Map Marker Alt. Description Ballpark Cost Estimate
18 Tahoe East Shore Trail: Round Hill Pines to Zephyr Cove Resort Environmental/Design $1,000,000
19 Multimodal Facilities: Kingsbury Grade to Lake Pkwy. $4,000,000
20 Revised parking at Spooner Summit $800,000
21 SR 28 intersection improvements $6,000,000
22 U.S. 50 formal vista point $3,500,000
23 Turn lanes to/from Logan Shoals and parking improvements $1,500,000
24 Off highway parking at Zephyr Cove Resort $6,000,000
25 Lake Parkway Intersection Improvements $5,500,000
26 Interconnect traffic signals $300,000
27 Install dilemma zone protection $250,000
28 Install dynamic curve warning system $200,000
29 Install dynamic curve warning system $200,000
30 Install improved cyclist detection and lighting $100,000
31 Install dynamic Parking Full signs (2) $150,000
Phase 3 (10+ years)
Map Marker Alt. Description Ballpark Cost Estimate
32 Tahoe East Shore Trail: Zephyr Cove Resort to S.R. 28 Feasibility and Environmental $10,200,000
33 Pedestrian underpass at N. Zephyr Creek $5,000,000
34 Pedestrian underpass at campground $6,000,000
35 Revised parking along Elks Point Rd. and Roundabout at NV Beach Terminus $4,000,000
36 Right turn lane extension at Kingbury Grade to U.S. 50 NB $500,000
37 U.S. 50 Park-n-Ride out of Basin $550,000
38 SR 207 Park-n-Ride out of Basin $100,000
39 Improve/expand Spooner Summit parking $750,000
40 Kingsbury-Lake Parkway evacuation connection $1,020,000