Welcome to the
U.S. 50 East Shore Corridor Management Plan
Virtual Public Meeting
February 12 - March 14

Purpose and Need

Through analysis and public feedback, the study has identified multiple issues in the corridor that the alternatives are designed to address. These issues include:

A bad car accident with a pickup truck sitting on top of a crumpled car

Safety 70% of the 13-mile corridor exceeds statewide average crash rates for similar facilities, and speed studies show operating speeds consistently exceed speed limits by about 30%. In addition, there are numerous examples of problematic locations where turning in/out of side streets is very difficult.

A group of pedestrians walking along U.S. 50 in a dangerous area

Multimodal – There is a lack of bicycle and pedestrian facilities with only 8% of the corridor containing sidewalks, 19% containing bike facilities, and 8% served by transit.

Dangerously cramped parking along U.S. 50

Recreation/Visitor Experience – Demand for recreation access and parking far exceeds capacity with unsafe roadside parking during peak periods and lack of multimodal access requiring visitors to drive.

Lake Tahoe's shore line with pristine beaches

Environment – Social trails and erosion created from shoulder parking impacts water quality and lake clarity, lack of multimodal options increase vehicle miles traveled, and climate change is impacting visitation periods.

A man holding up a large sign saying a parking lot is full

Lack of Technology – Gaps in communications and limited traveler information systems hamper opportunities to better manage travel and visitation.