Welcome to the
U.S. 50 East Shore Corridor Management Plan
Virtual Public Meeting
February 12 - March 14

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does this study relate to the public meeting NDOT held in 2017?

The 2017 public meeting depicted potential concepts for changing the U.S. 50 roadway configuration. The public response was extensive and NDOT heard you! The U.S. 50 CMP is a fresh start to developing multi-modal solutions for the corridor and started with a “blank canvas.” The potential opportunities developed to date reflect the public’s request that NDOT not apply a “one size fits all” approach and provide additional data to support any recommendations.

How can I participate and have my voice heard?

The study team will be conducting multiple rounds of outreach during plan development to ensure it reflects the input of many. NDOT will announce opportunities for public involvement as they are scheduled. If you would like to be added to the public contact list, please email your name and email address to mchandler@dot.nv.gov

When will proposed solutions resulting from the CMP be constructed?

CMP recommendations will be implemented over time with early-action improvements implemented over the next few years. Mid and long-term improvements will take more time to be constructed with possible implementation over the next five, ten or twenty years depending on funding availability and other state and agency priorities through the One Nevada Transportation Plan. The One Nevada Transportation Plan is NDOT’s statewide long-range transportation plan which sets forth a performance-based prioritization framework to advance those projects that best support the Plan’s overarching goals.

Are lane reductions included in the CMP recommendations?

No, lane reductions are no longer part of the CMP recommendations and were removed from consideration in fall 2023.